Well, it has happened again.
Mother Nature has coughed up another episode that
to this point has defied logic--and the unwritten identification laws of
her own land--to leave this observer (and many others who should have answers)
But first let me back track a bit to the spring
and summer of 2007. That is when it all started. It’s still going- -“it”
being the nest and presence of a very unusual pair of hawks, not to mention
a strong possibility of young in the last two years.
You see, last spring I observed this hawk nest
high in a hickory tree that is larger than any such facility that I have
ever seen. It is a good five feet in diameter (border-to-border) and fashioned
from what is obviously very big sticks--some appearing as large as the
wrist. Since the nest is high in a hickory tree, I can only surmise the
inside construction. I stay at least 200 yards away to avoid spooking the
What is it? Who knows? We can only speculate on
their identity because our largest camera lens is only 300 millimeters,
and our binoculars are not powerful enough for a good, sharp view.
Off hand, my first guess as to their identity
is Ferruginous Hawk, (fer- roo-jinous for you phoneticians, Buteo regalis).
My second choice is Rough-Legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus). May the best
hawk win.
The two are the largest raptorial hawks of the
kingdom and both presumably are confined to nests in the far north of this
hemisphere, and both depend heavily on rodents for food--the ferruginous
to prairie dogs and the rough-legged to smaller rodents, and for these
reasons their preferred ranges differ somewhat.
In separating the two, one can’t depend on color
and many other characteristics because Mother Nature’s critters often maintain
the important characteristic of being uncharacteristic. But not always.
At any rate, I discovered the nest and the birds’
activities last spring, and observed it until the inhabitants brooded young
and disappeared (perhaps because they were disturbed, not by me). I could
not speculate on the young’s outcome.
The nest remained throughout the winter. I presumed
the nest would rot away, but this spring it appeared to be somewhat refurbished
on the exterior. Then, I thought my binocs showed young. I haven’t been
able to tell for sure.
On one occasion I observed an adult hawk (wingspan
of more than four feet) flapping laboriously at low altitude while taking
what appeared to be a snake to the nest. This seems to indicate the adult
was feeding young. It could have been a squirrel with tail hanging down.
On other occasions I have observed the birds hunting
from a perch in a nearby tree (no foliage) and in high soaring. In soaring,
the birds seem to hold their wing tips slightly above horizontal, but not
as buzzards hold their wings (dihedral fashion) as they ride the air currents.
The hickory tree, of course, must be credited
with offering a clear view of the proceedings by customarily being a late
leafer among the trees.
We will hear more of this.
of mosquitoes, much earlier than usual as they plagued Memorial Day cookouts?
Our recent rains can be credited with this explosion. Ordinarily, the first
skeeter to buzz ears is a product of mid-June or at times even July.
A Plea: Don’t leave buckets sitting upright. They
trap rainwater . . .which breeds skeeters and drowns little critters. Give
the critters a break.
peppers (quartered or in eights), sautéed to brown, make a beautiful
and tasty garnish (with chopped onion) for any meaty sandwich. Pimentos,
or most of the other peppers, are prime candidates for the skillet.
Wild asparagus is en route to Michigan . . . but
pokeweed is hitting its zenith as poor
man’s morels (see recipe on http://bayoubill.com). Stinging nettle
is right for the greens pan, delicious cooked as greens, drained and mixed
with egg and cracker crumbs, and fried as patties with bacon and topped
with melted cheese . . . Eating can be fun.