How the scenario will play out still is a wait-and-see matter, but Bruce
Plowman, furbearer biologist for the Division of Fish and Wildlife (DFW),
expects raw fur prices to be about the same for the 2004-2005 seasons as
they were last year.
Plowman says that while pelts of the raccoon, the bread-and-butter furbearer
among Hoosier fur takers, probably will be about the same as last year,
he expects slightly better prices for mink and perhaps beaver.
Otherwise, Plowman expects prices on other furbearer species to be about
the same.
Although trapping and night hunting with dogs, the primary methods for
harvesting furbearing animals in Indiana, are pretty much overshadowed
by myriad other forms of outdoor activities, they have a place in the overall
value for their followers.
Plowman’s study of the Hoosier fur-taking picture for the 2003 seasons
reveals a total take of 211,800 raw furs, and that they brought $1,591,000
into the coffers of a small army of outdoors folks who enjoy these activities
(I do not see them as sport).
For the records, Plowman’s study revealed the fact that the raccoon--at
least in terms of furs harvested--is Hoosierland’s No. 1 furbearing animal
with a total of 150,850 pelts for the season. They sold for $1,269,438.00,
at an average price of $8.42 (16 percent higher than the previous year).
Muskrat, once the darling of Hoosier trappers, was the second most harvested
animal with 45,754 pelts worth $121,037.29. Rats averaged $2.65 (three
percent higher than the previous year). Plowman says rat prices have been
low for several years, and expects little change.
Plowman thinks prices for mink will be somewhat better this year and
that beaver prices could rise. He bases his thinking on the fact that ranch
mink prices are somewhat better this year and that wild mink prices usually
follow suit. He thinks beaver prices could improve because there seems
to be more interest in foreign countries.
Generally, Plowman bases his thinking on static prices, on the fact
that the U.S. dollar is rather weak, pointing out that this allows European
buyers (big dogs in the world fur market) to get more for their money.
Here are Plowman’s thoughts on other species of forbearing animals that
contribute to Hoosier totals:
COYOTE -- Prices about the same this year, but up some last year.
5,987 pelts sold last year for a total of $79,893.36, $13.34 average.
RED FOX -- Prices about the same this year. 2,414 pelts sold
last year for $44,6682, $18.50 average.
GRAY FOX -- Prices about the same. 672 pelts sold, $15.92 average.
OPOSSUM -- Prices about the same. 4,920 pelts sold, $1.51 average.
WEASEL -- Difficult to judge. Five pelts sold last year, 80
cents average.
Plowman also says DFW records indicate that there are almost 3,000 trappers
in the state and some 18,000 night hunters (those who use dogs, primarily
‘coon hounds).
There also is a young army of predator hunters, some 29,000 who hunt
coyote, 10,100 who hunt red fox, and 7,500 who hunt gray fox. However,
predator hunting tends to cloud the picture of total furs sold because
some followers of this activity have their pelts tanned and keep them,
especially if prices are low.
(R-Goshen) took his House Joint Resolution on the right to hunt and fish
back to the Indiana General Assembly last week, but the House Judiciary
Committee did not vote on the matter, probably because the five democrats
on the panel came up with several bushels of amendments to the 12-word
treatise that would simply point out that Hoosiers have a God-given right
to “hunt, fish, and pursue game.”
Rep. Ulmer, who has previously championed this concept in the legislature,
could not be reached by phone, but it is presumed that the issue eventually
will come to a vote and be sent to the floor of the House.