Ordinarily it is not the function of this column to tout the innumerable
outdoors paraphernalia that is waiting for buyers. But I have run smack-dam
into a product that everyone who harvests nuts or acorns should own.
It is a contraption that looks like a wire football on a four-foot broomstick
and picks up rounded objects--including hickory and black walnuts--like
such activities are going out of style. It is called the Nut Wizard. The
story, but first some background: You may recall that a few weeks back
this column told the story about how the late Ray Fish, of Fishers, Indiana
took the back-breaking propensities out of harvesting black walnuts by
attaching a two-pound coffee can to a sturdy, three-foot pole. I, of course,
tried it (we outdoor writers call it field testing which translates into
Whatever the nomenclature may be, I found Ray’s gimmick worthy of passing
on to my readers . . . after all, it would save hundreds of thousands--perhaps
even millions or zillions--of backbends by Hoosier nut harvesters, and
save a goodly number of the same from taking the Bengay or Icy Hot route,
however good they may be (I have to pay for the Bengay, and Icy Hot).
So I passed it on.
By and large, the column on Ray’s invention was popular. Comments from
nut-harvesting readers pretty much ran the gamut with such witticisms as
coffee keeps me awake, I would pitch my tube of Bengay if I weren’t afraid
of pulling a muscle, and my back feels better already. There were some
naysayers, naturally, but I dismissed as a crank call the death threat
from the Ceylonese Tea Growers’ Association.
Thence came this e-mail from a fellow named Larry Floyd, a Hoosier nut-grower
who noted that he had used a coffee can on a stick to avoid bending his
back while picking up nuts for some 15 years. He concurred that the coffee
can on a stick is good, but that he had discovered a thing called a Nut
Wizard that makes harvesting nuts just as free of bending the back. Moreover,
Floyd said, the Nut Wizard works with the speed of sound. Floyd didn’t
give me much of a description of the Nut Wizard, but he did give me a web
page address and suggested that I check it out. It is an easy one to remember:
Pshaw! I thought. Nothing could be better than Ray’s coffee can on a
stick. But Floyd’s message was most emphatic . . . and there was this web
page address that was so easy that even a computer basket case like yours
truly could check it out.
I soon learned that this Hoosier couple, Kent and Charlotte Waltz, of
Norman (that’s not far from Bedford) were selling the Nut Wizard as one
of the items in their business, Seeds And Such, Inc.
A quick call tended to back the things Floyd had told me, but I still
had to see it for myself. To make a long story short, two of the three
sizes of Nut Wizards arrived at my house and in less than 15 minutes I
had tossed some walnuts into the grass and leaves of my front-yard jungle
and pushed the wire football over them without exerting any downward pressure
with the handle.
Presto! In one fell swoop all of the nuts were inside the wire football
and that left me wondering how I would get them out. Then I remembered
the strong wire unloading bracket that fits almost any bucket. I placed
the bracket (the literature calls it a frame) on a bucket and allowed the
wire football to settle onto it. Presto! The nuts dropped into the bucket.
Undaunted in my quest to save Ray’s coffee can on a stick, I motored
to one of the few walnut trees I have found producing a good nut crop this
year. There must have been close to a bushel of beautiful, little white-meated
walnuts on the ground. But in less than half an hour I put ever sweet-meated
little nut into a bucket (and eventually a gunny sack) for the trip home.
That more or less convinced me that I should tell my readers about the
Nut Wizard. But if it hadn’t convinced me, remembered that I might have
set a Guinness Book of Records standard for putting a bushel of walnuts
in a gunny sack . . . if I hadn’t stopped to show passersby how the thing
Oh, Yes! Your Nut Wizard will cost you less than 50 bucks.
Click on thumbnail
image for enlarged view.
kept the load of walnuts light for this picture to illustrate the working
of the Nut Wizard. Note the bracket in the bucket that empties contents. |
Floyd, Marion, Indiana, also sells the Nut Wizard. His phone is 765-384-7989;
e-mail address is flofarm@comteck.com.)